
Version L1.28a




in Catalan Wikipedia

Length (bytes): 6974 (13.07%)
Number of references: 5 (6.17%)
Number of images (at least 5000 px2): 3 (23.08%)
Headers (1st & 2nd level): 9 (52.94%)
References / Length: 0.00071694866647548 (46.38%)

Other parameters:

Number of page watchers:


1. Orxata (ca)

Presented points are based on comparison of characteristics of the article with a median of each relevant characteristics of the Featured Articles in Catalan Wikipedia. The table below shows those medians:

Characteristics Median*
Length (bytes) 53375
Number of references 81
Number of images (at least 5000 px2) 13
Headers (1st & 2nd level) 17
References / Length 0.0015457
* - Extraction and analysis the characteristics of Featured Articles in Catalan Wikipedia was performed in June 2023

CC BY-SA 3.0